1,249 research outputs found

    Modelling soil-water interaction with the Material Point Method. Evaluation of single-point and double-point formulations

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    Many problems in geotechnical engineering involve large deformations and soil-water interactions, which pose challenging issues in computational geomechanics. In the last decade, the Material Point Method (MPM) has been successfully applied in a number of large-deformation geotechnical problems and multi-phase MPM formulations have been recently proposed. In particular, there exist two advanced coupled hy-dro-mechanical MPM approaches to model the interaction between solid grains and pore fluids: the single-point and the double-point formulation. The first discretizes the soil-water mixture with a single set of ma-terial points (MP) which moves according to the solid velocity field. The latter uses two sets of MP one for the fluid phase and the other for the solid phase and they move according to the respective velocity field. The aims of this work is to present and compare the two theories, to emphasize their limitations and poten-tialities, and to discuss their applicability in the geotechnical field. To this end, the results of two numerical examples carried out by using both formulations are presented: a 1D-consolidation problem and a saturated column collapse problem

    Colegio Buenos Aires: un lugar de educación y encuentro ciudadano

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    Artículo de gradoEl colegio Buenos Aires se encuentra al sureste del municipio de Soacha, en el barrio Ciudadela Sucre. En este lugar existen problemas tales como: vías deterioradas, servicios públicos deficientes, equipamientos y espacio público insuficiente y una fuerte pendiente topografía que son el resultado de una mala planificación. Por tal razón el proyecto se enfoca en el mejoramiento de la red de equipamientos educativos y de otorgar espacio público a través de un centro educativo, es decir que el proyecto pretende mejorar los estándares de calidad de educación, con una infraestructura adecuada y con un nivel de atención estimada de 1440 estudiantes, así mismo la cubierta del colegio configura una gran plaza que dota a la comunidad de un espacio público fortaleciendo y mejorando la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la ciudadela.1. Resumen 2. Introducción 3. Metodología 4. Resultados 5. Discusión 6. Conclusiones 7. Agradecimientos 8. Bibliografía 9. AnexosPregradoArquitect

    Surgical Techniques in Benign Extra-Axial Tumors

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    Extra-axial tumors are lesions, neoplastic and not, which are external to the brain parenchyma and can originate in the skull, meninges, cranial nerves, and brain appendages such as the pituitary gland. Surgery provides a diagnosis and can be the first step in the treatment. When chosen as a treatment, we should consider the access and the approach to the lesion, the adequate operative technique, and related skills, minor or major complications. Because of the benign nature of these tumors, the evaluation of the risk/benefit in submitting a patient to a surgical treatment has to be considered. We would like to give an overview about benign extra-axial tumors and surgical operative techniques and tools that can be applied to improve patient’s outcome

    Experimental Investigation of Supercooled Water Droplet Breakup near the Leading Edge of an Airfoil

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental study on supercooled droplet deformation and breakup near the leading edge of an airfoil. The results are compared to prior room-temperature droplet deformation results to explore the effects of droplet supercooling. The experiments were conducted in the Adverse Environment Rotor Test Stand at The Pennsylvania State University. An airfoil model placed at the end of the rotor blades mounted onto the hub in the Adverse Environment Rotor Test Stand chamber was moved at speeds ranging between 50 and 80 ms. The temperature of the chamber was 20C. A monotonic droplet generator was used to produce droplets that fell perpendicular to the airfoil path. High-speed imaging was employed to observe the interaction between the droplets and the airfoil. Cases with equal slip and initial velocity were selected for the two environmental conditions. The airfoil velocity was 60 ms, and the slip velocity for both sets of data was 40 ms. The deformation of the weakly supercooled and warm droplets did not present different trends. The similar behavior for both conditions indicates that water supercooling has no effect on particle deformation for the range of supercooling of the droplets tested and the selected impact velocity

    Are telehealth interventions efficacious in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety?

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    This study aims to explore the efficacy of therapeutic interventions via telehealth on reducing depression and anxiety symptoms. The focus will be on individuals living in the United States diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and/or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Subjects will participate in 12 individual telehealth sessions conducted across three months with a pre-test, immediate post-test, and 3-month follow up including completion of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder Screener (GAD-7), and the Telehealth Satisfaction Questionnaire (TSQ) to measure efficacy. We hypothesize therapeutic interventions via telehealth will be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety

    Parallel ACO algorithms for 2D Strip Packing

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    In this paper we present a study of a parallel Ant Colony System (ACS) for the two-dimensional strip packing problem. In our computational study, we emphasize the in uence of the incorporation of the received information in the target subcolony. Colonies send their best solutions instead of sending information from the matrix of pheromones, as happens in traditional parallel ACS. The solution arriving to a colony can provide further exploitation around promising solutions as this arrived solution can be used in both, the local update of the pheromone trail and the construction solution process of an ant. The aim of the paper is to report experimental results on the behavior of different types of parallel ACS algorithms, regarding solution qualities and parallel performance.Presentado en XI Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Avaluació de la nova llei de benestar porcí des de la seva aplicació el gener del 2013

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Desmitificación del uso intensivo de los recursos sociales por parte de las personas inmigrantes. Análisis temporal de la procedencia del apoyo social recibido por el colectivo

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    Por medio de la innovadora investigación cualitativa longitudinal (ICL), momento de llegada versus actual, se busca acallar el imaginario de parte de la población consistente en el uso desorbitado de los recursos sociales de las personas inmigrantes. A través del desarrollo de 40 entrevistas en profundidad a personas latinoamericanas de la provincia de Málaga, y tras la realización de los respectivos análisis, se ha demostrado que hacen un uso considerablemente discreto de los Servicios Sociales Públicos. De igual forma se ha explicitado tanto que las principales fuentes de apoyo del colectivo son los autóctonos y sus paisanos como que el apoyo de tipo informacional predomina en ambos momentos temporales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Performance analysis of a self-protection system for vehicles in case of WUI fire entrapment

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    Sheltering inside a civilian vehicle has proved to be a high risk strategy in case of wildfire entrapment. Survival is by no means guaranteed, especially in moderate to high-intensity wildfires. However, vehicles do offer a certain degree of fire protection, which can be reinforced by ad-hoc fire resistant technology. In this paper, we present the experimental performance analysis of a self-protection system that has been designed to protect people’s life in case of fire entrapment. Similar to a firefighter fire shelter, the designed system can be quickly deployed covering the whole vehicle. In case of fire exposure, this fabric provides additional heat protection to the occupants and the vehicle itself. An experimental burning was designed in order to simulate real fire exposure conditions in case of vehicle entrapment in a rural road. An ex-situ 2-m high fuel bed composed of Pinus halepensis fine logging slash was arranged in a 13 m long x 6 m wide area. Fire was ignited at one end of the fuel bed and spread driven by an induced constant air flow (3 m/s midflame wind speed). 2.8 m away from the other fuel bed end, a car covered with the fire protection fabric was placed, parallel to the fire. Data analysis provided mean values of fire rate of spread (2 m/s), fireline intensity (1800 kW/m), flame height (6.5 m), flame tilt angle (30º), flame depth (2 m), flame temperature (800 ºC) and flame emissive power (47.5 kW/m2 ). Maximum air temperatures inside the vehicle ranged around 41-42.5 ºC during a period between 20 min and 35 min after ignition. A thermocouple in contact with the internal side of the driver’s window registered a maximum value of 47.3 ºC. These results evidenced the good performance of the fabric when protecting eventual vehicle occupants against thermal exposure from wildfires of moderate intensity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Análisis temporal de la situación de los inmigrantes latinos de la provincia de Málaga. Implicaciones del conocimiento de las estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés utilizadas por el colectivo de cara la intervención social

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    En los últimos tiempos los procesos migratorios se han globalizado, situándose como una experiencia cada vez más usual en el conjunto de las sociedades. Ante esta situación, y siendo consientes de la multitud de cambios y consecuencias de todo tipo que puede suponer en la persona, se pretende profundizar en el conocimiento de las estrategias de afrontamiento de estrés e integración social utilizadas por el colectivo de personas inmigrantes latinas de la provincia de Málaga. La novedad de este estudio se sitúa en prestar especial protagonismo al constructo tiempo por medio de la utilización de una metodología cualitativa longitudinal. Se aprovecha las potencialidades de este innovador tipo de estudio referentes tanto a su capacidad de observación de los cambios acaecidos en este colectivo fruto del hecho migratorio como de las estrategias utilizadas por el mismo de cara a su adaptación social. Se ha desarrollo un conjunto de entrevistas en profundidad focalizadas en el colectivo de latinos de la provincia de Málaga atendiendo a su diversidad en términos de temporalidad de residencia de cara a obtener y analizar una información valiosa en términos de integración y justicia social. A través de la comparativa temporal los resultados se proporciona un esbozo clarificador del proceso de integración social en el que se encuentra inserto el colectivo y por tanto potencialmente efectivo de cara a la intervención social con el mismo. En este contexto el Trabajo Social, al igual que otras disciplinas sociales, es consciente de la necesidad de la investigación previa como garante de éxito de una futura intervención social que fomente la integración social y la mejora de la calidad de vida del conjunto de la población. Los resultados señalan que a lo largo del tiempo el estrés percibido por los inmigrantes es similar, si bien se perciben cambios en la naturaleza tanto de los principales desafíos/problemas vivenciados como de las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadasUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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